
Food Fads of All Time

  • Green tea does it help to lose fat

1 Green tea is more than just hot, flavored water. A cup of green tea may contain much less caffeine (24-40mgs) than a cup of coffee. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant, has been known to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance. It contains a massive range of antioxidants called catechins, that can boost metabolism and may help in burning fat.

  • Does drinking red wine protect your heart

Red wine contains a high level of a phytochemical called resveratrol, which acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation, may slow the ageing process.
Alcohol in wine raises HDL(‘good’) cholesterol and seems to make blood less likely to clot. No more than a drink for women or two drinks for men may offer some benefits and probably can’t hurt.